Our Services

The company provide a comprehensive range of products and services for the prevention, control and clean up of every type of spill, leak or drip of oil, industrial fluids and/or chemicals.

For all services, simply contact us!

Emergency Response & oil spill clean up

oil spill clean up

Our Emergency Response and oil spill clean up and chemical spillages at public, domestic and commercial sites including cross pumping, product uplifts and drawbacks, removal of liquid waste, cleanups with use of absorbent materials, neutralization of chemicals, biological and chemical treatment of oil, shore line clean up, containment using booming techniques, recovery of product with use of skimmers, temporary storage of recovered product, authorised transport and disposal of arising waste.

site remediation

In-situ and ex-situ remediation of contaminated grounds and groundwater including excavation and licensed disposal, bio remediation, chemical oxidation, pump and treat systems, vacuum extraction, air sparkling, free product recovery, cut-offs barriers and walls etc

Oil Spill Clean Up | Oil Absorbent | Oil Spill Kit

site surveys

Site investigations of polluted sites including desktop studies, walkovers, risk assessments, initial site investigation, sampling, on site testing, borehole drilling, trial pits excavation, site validation, monitoring.

Oil Spill Clean Up | Oil Absorbent | Oil Spill Kit


We offer wide range of training courses for few hours basic courses to 5 day accredited courses. The training course can be tailor to suit your specific requirements.